Vince and I went out to the woods last night to gather salmonberries, which are in the raspberry family but the colors range from bright orange to blackberry dark. They are not as sweet as raspberries but we had to try a pie with them. There is exactly one recipe on the internet for salmon berry pie and we had to tweak it a little because it was for a chilled pie and I had my heart set on baked. I don't know if my recipe worked yet because when I checked it this morning it hadn't set. I might put it back in the oven a little since I only put it in for 40 minutes. But here is what we did:
Salmonberry filling:
* 4 cups Salmonberries
* Water
* 2/3 cup white sugar
* 1/4 teaspoon salt
* 4 tablespoons cornstarch
* 1 teaspoon ground cardamom
* 1 package goat cheese brie
* 1 pint whipping cream
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
To make the Salmonberry filling: Crush 2 cups of the Salmonberries through a sieve. This will take some time but it is essential to remove all of the seeds. Add water to Salmonberry juice to make 1 1/2 cups of liquid. Put the juice and water into a pan. Add sugar, cornstarch, cardamom, and salt. Cook on medium heat, stirring constantly for about 5 to10 minutes. Do not scorch. Remove from heat and let cool.
But slices of brie on the bottom of the pie crust (Mom's uncooked pie crust). Spread crushed berries over the cheese. Add remaining berries and pour cooked liquid mixture over the top. Bake at 350 degrees for 40+ minutes. Let cool to set. Serve warmed up with ice cream or whipped cream.
How did the pie turn out? We have a ton of these berry bushes on our land, and we are curious on what to do with them, getting lots of different ideas from the internet. Thanks!